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Trailers are an excellent option for bicycle tourists who are planning rides in rural or wild areas. While trailers can certainly be used by bike travelers visiting cities, you must remember that it is difficult for drivers to see low-to-the-ground trailers. Also, pulling a trailer behind you makes it much more difficult to navigate narrow streets and tight turns. Trailers definitely perform best on the open road.

The real draw of trailers is their incredible carrying capacity. Bike tourists with lots of equipment should consider using a trailer instead of panniers. The added weight of carrying lots of gear on your bike can put a strain on the frame and the wheels. If you are planning on taking a large amount of heavy or bulky items, a trailer is the way to go.

Trailers are also ideal for bike tourists who want to use traditional or recreational road bikes that do not have braze-ons to attach racks. Trailers attach to a bike using the rear axle, so there is no need for special braze-ons (or racks).

The trailers listed below represent the two types of trailers available to adventure cyclists: single-wheel trailers and two-wheel trailers. Single-wheel trailers are ideal if you are carrying a moderate amount of extra weight and need additional maneuverability. Two-wheel trailers are for riders who are carrying everything but the kitchen sink!

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Bob Yak trailer
*Image courtesy BOB Trailers

BOB Yak Bike Trailer

Burley trailer
*Image courtesy Burley

Burley Nomad (two wheel)