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Trip Planning

Spain coastlineAfter you have purchased your touring bike and touring equipment, it is time to plan your first bike travel adventure. Many adventure cyclists enjoy this planning phase just as much as the actual ride. Be creative, think of places you've always wanted to see. Don't be afraid to push yourself to go farther!

Tour Types
Some people are more comfortable riding with an experienced guide. There are a number of bicycle touring operators worldwide who offer a wide range of trips, from fully supported, luxury trips with nightly stays in four-star hotels, to basic, group rides with minimal support and many nights in campgrounds.

If you are planning to strike out on your own, you need to consider how you are going to navigate on your bike tour. Years ago, there was only one option: maps. But today, GPS provides us with a lightweight, powerful tool to find our way through unfamiliar territory. Together, maps and GPS offer bicycle travelers everything they need to know to get back home safely.