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Home - Touring Equipment - Panniers


The key to deciding what type of pannier to purchase is utility. How much equipment will you be carrying on your trip? How long will you be riding? What is your budget for panniers? These questions will ultimately help you decide what panniers are right for you.

Three factors determine the quality of panniers: weather-resistance, durability, and size. Typically, bike tours lasting longer than a few days require large, weather-proof panniers. These panniers can often be more expensive than smaller, commuter-style panniers, and should be considered more of an investment than a one-time purchase, as they will last for many, many miles.

The Ortlieb panniers listed below on the left are world-renowned for their durability, water-proof seal, and open storage compartment. The Arkel panniers on the right are ideal for bike travelers who need lots of storage space with easy-to-organize compartments.

Recommended Touring Panniers
Ortlieb panniers
*Image courtesy of Ortlieb USA

Ortlieb Back-Roller Classics
$170 (pair)

Arkel panniers
*Image courtesy of Arkel

Arkel GT-18