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Brugge bridgeWhen it comes to navigation, an adventure cyclist shouldn't really ask "should I use GPS or maps?," but rather, "how do I use GPS and maps?" The pair go hand-in-hand. If the budget for your bike tour is able to accommodate the purchase of a GPS device, the Touring Bike Trading Post recommends that you buy one. If your budget is minimal or you want to do it the "old fashion way," then a good set of maps is your best option.

GPS (Global Positioning System)
GPS is a powerful tool that lets an adventure cyclist know exactly where they are. A rider can zoom in to find their exact location, and then zoom out to find the best route to their destination. However, these high-tech devices can be cost prohibitive.

Maps provide bicycle travelers with a regional, state or national picture of where they are headed. This is key in helping to do route planning days (or even weeks) in advance. Remember, you are on a bike and every extra ounce of weight is your responsibility to carry, so if you are on an extended tour, you can expect to be picking up a new set of maps every 1,000 miles of so.