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My Words

I started my career writing daily fax and e-mail newsletters. I wrote upwards of 10 to 15 news summaries every day, and edited another 20. Later, when I moved to the association world, I began writing a weekly e-newsletter and ventured into public relations copy.

Over the years, I have written news articles, feature articles, brochures, Web content, news releases, press statements, year-in-review publications, speeches, and more. Way more than anyone has time to read. So, to keep things simple, I've pulled together these samples.

Print Samples

ABC 2007 Year in Review

ABC 2007 Year in Review

Construction Executive

Construction Executive

Tech News


Digital Samples

ABC 2007 Year in Review

Newsline E-newsletter

Crazy Guy on a Bike Blog

Bike Touring Blog

Websites I Manage: