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About Peter

Born: July 3, 1975

Gender: Male

Hometown: Alexandria, VA

Education: University of Virginia

Career: Web professional

Official Resume

Actually, please call me Pete. If you call me Peter, I’ll know you are only trying to sell me something.

As a web professional, I’m fascinated by computers, gadgets, and devices. I can spend hours at my desk browsing the Web, reading blogs, learning code, working on projects.

But at the end of the day, I need to get out. I need to go for a run, ride a bike, walk in the woods, paddle a canoe. I need to do something that gets my heart beating, gives me a little fresh air. I need to disconnect for a while.

Web Professional?

What does that mean exactly? A web professional is someone that appreciates all facets of the “web experience.” A web professional understands the underlying technology that powers the Web, the content that gives the Web life, and the data that measures success or failure. Certainly, every web professional is stronger in certain areas than others. But all web professionals understand how these factors work together to provide an engaging and enjoyable web experience.

My Skills

I graduated with a degree in English and have been working with words ever since. I can write, I can edit. Web copy? E-mail copy? Print copy? Press releases? News articles? Feature articles? I’ve done it all. Here’s a rundown of my other core competencies:

Rock Star:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Microsoft Suite

Not Too Shabby:

  • Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop
  • JavaScript

I Can Make It Work:

  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • SQL

What Else?

Well, in truth, I’m a pretty average Washingtonian. I enjoy riding my bike to work. I like to check out new bands and good movies. Most happy hours are over by 8:30 p.m. for me. In the spring, summer, and fall, I’m a weekend warrior, venturing out to the mountains for hiking, riding, and camping. In the winter, I might go skiing, but I mostly catch up on my Netflix queue and shop online.