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Some Fun Stuff

Top 10 Fun Facts About Pete Mason

  1. He spent six months bike touring in Europe in 2008. Alone.
  2. He loves cats. He does not apologize for this.
  3. He has five bikes, two of which are in pieces.
  4. He can name all characters on Downton Abbey.
  5. He briefly majored in classical saxophone performance in college.
  6. He is a second cousin of Ryan Lochte. (Don’t ask, never met him.)
  7. He drove a 1963 VW Bug with no seat belts in high school.
  8. He speaks one language fluently, and one very poorly.
  9. He ran for student government twice in elementary school. Lost both times.
  10. He had to write “I will not burn the neighbor’s bushes” 1,500 times one summer.